Get your Lover


The title says enough.

You may need the following items for this spell:

Clear wrapping
Waxing gibbous
Full moon

Casting Instructions for ‘Get your Lover'

Do this on a Gibbous moon. Take the bowl of salt water out when dark. Make sure that the moon shines on the bowl. Dig a little hole and put the bowl in it make sure you can still see the bowl.Take the notebook paper and the pencil and write the names(first and last) of the boys or men you prefer. Put a little battery a hand held mirror and a penny in the bowl. Put in the bowl and cover the bowl while wrap that is clear. Nightly check the titles and go out and chant this every night:

For the expectation of my passion for not evil. The opportunity to see the sight of love. Show me my one true lover.

After a couple of times youll see drown spots forming on the names every day whoevers name has the least brown on it make sure they give you something(if not just have a pencil or something). Everytime you get something from them put it in a little hole next to the bowl. On the next full moon look at the titles the ones that have the most brown on it take it out together with anything they gave you and burn it (if it cant be burned take as far way from you hose as possible)(Take the ashes and place them in a jar and be sure its not broken put it in a attic or somewhere safe make certain to forget were it's)The one name that has the least brown on it take out and place it in clear wrapping and put it in a stream or pond somewhere that has water then wear everything that person has given you the following day and hell do something to prove he likes you.

About the author: White Witch Verified icon 2
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