Love spell difficulty: Low
Time to Cast: Under One Hour
There are many different variations of the one around, but I still feel like it's worth sharing, simply due to the ease of creating it (Everything is very easy to get a hold of)
Find a container around your home, (I have found that using one of importance works better, like an old one passed down, or something handmade) and choose that container and place in it the following things: Pieces of yourself: Hair, Blood (If you would rather skip this step, that's fine) and an eyelash. 2 Pieces of Quartz Cleansed Water Fully Developed Leaf Lavender
Casting Instructions for ‘Draw Love Into Your Home (Love Spell)'
The Description of your Hearts true match written on unlined paper.
Once you write the description,burn the paper and put the ashes in the bottle.
Keep the bottle in your house,preferably in the area you sleep. Keep this for a period of up to 6 weeks before repeating
After you write the description, burn the paper and put the ashes in the bottle. Keep the bottle in your home, preferably in the area you sleep.
Before repeating, keep this for a period of up to 6 months.
After you write the description, burn the paper and place the ashes in the bottle. Keep the bottle INSIDE your house, preferably in the room you sleep.
After you write the description, burn the paper and put the ashes inside the bottle. Keep the bottle in your house, preferably in the room you sleep.
Keep this for a period of up to 6 weeks before repeating.
Keep this for a period of up to 6 weeks before repeating.