Cursed By Voodoo


This charm has been analyzed, and it is extremely powerful! Your enemies will be cursed by it.

You will need the following items for this spell:

2 Black candles A black pen Felt Thread A sewing needle Paper A picture of the victim A lemon Pepper Needles Matches, or a milder

Casting Directions for ‘Cursed From Voodoo'

Cut out the two pieces of felt in the shape of a person. Sew the two layers together, but leave a gap (To fill it up). Sit in a dark room and light the candle. Wright down the victims complete name and date of birth. Then let the black wax drip onto the picture of the victim.

After that, burn the paper with the information of the victim in the black candle. When its burnt to ashes, blow the candle out, and stuff it in the poppet. Rip the picture into pieces. Stuff that into the doll also. Meanwhile, chant this:

Whatever you inflict on me, will be reflected back to you!
You shall dwell in a distress because of yourself!

Sew the poppet closed. Slice the lemon in two. Squeeze the juice all

Sprinkle the pepper. Now, stab at a needle where its center would be. Think about all of the things your victim did that made you feel bad. Release that power, through your palm, into the poppet.

Put it in a dark, unused area. (An unused basement, or an unused attic would be suitable.) That night, youll fantasy of your own victim. Crying, lost in him / herself and tired of living. The following day, grab the poppet, and stab it at the head of the doll. Release more negative energy into the doll. Leave it into the dark area, and forget about the poppet. However, your victim will suffer!

About the author: White Witch Verified icon 2
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