Book Protection


This is a spell that worked well for me that has been made to protect my Book of Shadows from other people and from being damaged.

You will need the following items for this spell:

Purple paper Black Pen Clear Quartz Crystal

Casting Directions for ‘Book Protection'

This spell is best performed on a Friday on the hour of Venus, while the Waning Moon or New Moon in Taurus but this is optional and you dont have to integrate Astrological influences if you dont want to.
The first step in casting the spell would be to prepare a meaningful symbol and draw it on your purple paper with your black pen. For me personally I combined the Symbols of the Pentacle, Taurus, Venus, the Wiccan symbol of Earth and the Japanese Kanji symbol of Earth.
The main issue is to create a symbol which has a meaning of protection for you, for me personally I use the Symbols of element of Earth and the Astrological signs associated with the spell.
Once you have done this, open you Book of Shadows at the page where your spell is kept (Mine is near the front) and set your paper in the middle with your right hand resting on the top, with the obvious Quartz under your hand.
Visualise yourself drawing energy up from the Earth, up your body, through your arms, crystal and to the book. Imagine the energy spreading and halfway through the pages throughout the whole book.
Whilst you are doing this condition the incantation below:
Oh! Dear God and Goddess,
Please reply to thee.
I a-summon you to me,
To allow this spell be.
*In the light of the Waning Moon*,
Let this spell dispel this noon,
All forms of ill-intent
And negativity soon.
Let this book be shielded,
From all those who stare.
Let no harm upon these pages,
Earth, Water, Fire and Air
Element of Earth,
Ever-lasting and secure be.
Let your energy flow,
Into thy book.
Everlasting Earthy Taurus,
Stable and protective.
Let this spell never wane,
Unlike the moon respective.
With thy book shielded,
For all eternity.
And as thy will,
So mote it be!
*Replace with In the dark of the moon of fresh when it is done through the New Moon* You can even take out the Taurus and Moon lines if you aren't bothered about the astrological influences. You can say the incantation twice for Clarity
Spend a moment focusing on your energy flow until you're satisfied. Now you can keep the piece of paper by attaching it to the spell page (Or slipping it in the pocket with the spell page when using a folder) and it will also act like a protective Talisman

About the author: White Witch Verified icon 2
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