I am not sure if this spell functions and please email me if the spell works or not and thanks for reading my spell and Good Luck to you.
Night time(9:00 and after) Be alone(like your area) A logo like a particular necklace, ring, bracelet, or anklet, etc. something with a meaning to you
Casting Directions for ‘Become a Witch spell'
Say this 3 times:
Dear Witches,
Please hear my plea. I wish to be a witch with the power to fly as far and as large as my hearts desire, enchanting beauty, inhuman power that can carry anything, the power to make infinite wishes to anyone I desire and the capacity to control and summon the components of (part of your choice)and(part of your choice). Please listen to my
Plea and make me like you! I Want TO BE A WITCH! I thank you and bless all witches. SO MOTE IT BE!!
When you finish saying the spell put on the jewelry and lye down and close your eyes and make sure that it is quiet and imagine yourself at night flying around in the presence of the entire moon in a dress of your favorite colour waving in the end(if your a guy a suit with a cape waving.) And you using your powers
Side Effects:
*Dreams of being a witch and you using your powers
*Really bad headaches
*Coughing a lot
*Feeling sick/stomachaches
*Power surges(elements you picked will start going everywhere
Powers and Characteristics you gain in spell:
*Flight-You will be able to fly anywhere and everywhere as fast as you need and as high as you need even a couple of cm.
*Wishing-You can grant wishes to anybody you want including yourself
*Beauty-You'll be more beautiful than any human in the world
*Strength-You'll have inhumane strength
*The spell will come true in 3 days
*when it states muster, I mean it comes out of your hands like having Elsa's ice forces
*Make sure that you really think and you can't lie to yourself
*Animals will like you more
*You can make a wand by needing up one
Do I need to fall asleep for it to work?