Regaining a Lost Lover


To recover a lost lover.

You may need the following items for this spell:

Two pictures one of the lost lover and one of you.
Dove's Blood Ink
Three different colors of ribbon; White, Red, and Black
Sea Salt
Rose Petals or Buds
Rose Hips
A red or pink candle

Casting Directions for ‘Regaining a Lost Lover'

This spell has to be done before the full moon. Take the image of your lover and write on the back of it in doves blood ink what they love about you. Write at least three. Take your picture about what you love about them and do the exact same but. Write at least three. Take the pictures and put them back. Begin to stitch the pictures together round the edges using a strand of every red, black and white thread. Say this as you sew:

Our fates are stitched together by me with love. Sewing them tight to fit like a glove. Woven together by strands of three. My mind does so will he and see.

As you sew three of the sides 12, repeat over and over. Mix the rose buds or petals with the rosemary, rose hips, sage, yarrow, cinnamon and sea salt. Place the mixture in the image pouch when you are done. Stitch the rest of the picture pouch along with the chain combination as you do it, and state this. Collectively our fates will be. Now it is time for. Repeat until it's closed. Take the candle that is red or pink and seal the stitching with wax. Leave it to bill before its night and the full in the moon light for the 2 nights. After it is done charging put is in a safe place and await their return.

About the author: White Witch Verified icon 2
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