New and Full Moon Meditation


Full Moon Meditation

It is best to be used at the time of the full moon, starting the day before it is due to be full and it can be used for 4 or 5 days after before it goes into its waning phase.

The full moon is a time of releasing all the low energy that has built up from that lunar cycle, it’s about releasing toxic thoughts, habits, ways of being and even people. It’s also a time for powerful inner work – looking within, healing and shedding the past. In order to process and release the karma that goes with whatever has happened, we have to forgive!

Start by cleansing the area around you, this can be done by making the area clean or burning sage/palo santo/insence, lighting a candle or using bells to cleanse.

Ideally you should be sat crossed legged on the floor with a cushion under the back of your bum as this makes energy flow into you easier, but if you feel more comfortable sitting on a chair or lying down then do whatever works for you.

Start by taking some deep breaths. Really feel your belly expanding on the IN breath and falling on the OUT breath, it’s important to breathe from here rather than from your chest. Another way of thinking of this would be to breathe from your belly button.

Count to ten with your breaths, for instance = In – 1 breath, out – 2, in – 3, out – 4. When you get to ten start all over again from 1. You should start to notice yourself becoming calmer. As you are breathing out try and release any stress, worries or cares that come into your mind! Really let go with your exhale.

Visualize walking through a forest, you could be bare foot and feel the dirt between your toes, surrounded by pleasant smells and warm air before you come to a clearing in the trees.

Frankincense Tears granulated incense-300In front of you is a beautiful big still lake, and the full moon is high in the sky lighting everything in its presence. I want you to imagine walking up to the lake, you can either sit by the side or just dip your feet in or you can fully submerge into the warm water.

Now think about a habit, thought pattern or something from the previous lunar cycle that you would like to release, it can be more than one thing. Imagine all of those worries as golden light being pulled out of into the water and floating away. You can spend as much time in this space absorbing the full moons energy as you need.

Now recite the following Full Moon Mantra: “Under the glorious Full Moon, I forgive everything, everyone, every experience of past or present that needs forgiveness. The Universe is love, and I am forgiven and governed by love alone. Love is now adjusting my life. Revealing this, I abide in peace.”

When you feel like you are ready to come back, start to walk away from the lake and back through the trees into the forest. Then bring your attention back to your breath, repeating the same process that I mentioned before in counting your breaths to 10.

I hope you have enjoyed this full moon meditation, it is there whenever you need to go back to it.

New Moon Meditation

It is best to be used at the time of the new moon, starting the day before it is due to be new and it can be used for 4 or 5 days after before it goes into its waxing phase.

It’s good to note that you can’t see the Moon when it is in it’s New Moon phase, but the energy is still there! The new moon is a time of manifesting your desires and setting your intentions for the coming moon cycle.

Start by cleansing the area of the room where the class will be lead, and this can be done by making the area clean or burning sage/palo santo/incense, lighting a candle or using bells to cleanse.

Ideally you should be sat crossed legged on the floor with a cushion under the back of your bum as this makes energy flow into you easier, but if you feel more comfortable sitting on a chair or lying down then do whatever works for you. It is good to have a piece of paper nearby with a pen so you can write down your intentions, we will use this later on.

It’s also important to release any attachment that you have to your wishes you intend to manifest, whilst it’s important to be clear on what you want the Universe might have a better idea than the one you have in mind.

Start by taking some deep breaths. Really feel your belly expanding on the IN breath and falling on the OUT breath, it’s important to breathe from here rather than from your chest. Another way to think of this is to breathe from your belly button.

Count to ten with your breaths, for instance: = In – 1 breath, out – 2, in – 3, out – 4.

When you get to ten start all over again from 1. You should start to notice yourself becoming calmer. As you are breathing out try and release any stress, worries or cares that come into your mind! Really let it go on your exhale.

Now start to think about what it is that you would like to manifest for this coming moon cycle, try and imagine it fully come true.

Imagine the feeling you get in that moment when it happens and really feel that emotion running through you. Use your imagination to really see it.

Visualize this for as long as you feel necessary, then write it down on the piece of paper in front of you. It’s then a good idea to write an affirmation after It is affirming your wish, for instance, if you want to fall in love write “I am in love!” as if it has already happened.

Now recite the following New Moon Mantra: “Om Namo Narayani” three times – this is a Sanskrit phrase which means “I surrender to the divine” which ensures that you have released any attachments to your manifestations.

Then bring your attention back to your breath, repeating the same process that I mentioned before in counting your breaths to 10.

I recommend planting the piece of paper back into the earth to allow it to grow like a seed, or you can burn it safely, so it turns to ashes in the air.

I hope you have enjoyed this new moon meditation. It is there whenever you need to go back to it.

Wrapping It Up

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I hope the above is useful to you. Let me know in the comments below, and don’t hesitate to ask any questions.

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About the author: ttthayer
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