Today I want to discuss discovering and opening yourself up to your path of becoming a witch. A witch’s message is one of self-love, earth-love, and about the importance of aligning with the phases of the earth and moon. Pretty simple, really.
Are You in Touch with Your Magical Side?
I knew something was different about me in a magical sense while I was growing up. I was always diving into the metaphysical books whenever I went to the library. My parent’s religion being Catholic, they often pulled me away from it, saying it was not something they were going to tolerate.
When I had my place, I started diving into crystals, and I found excellent books on white witchcraft, Wicca, paganism, and everything that you could think of. I did start on a path of Wicca, and I learned a lot from it. It is a great stepping stone, but eventually, I did break free. I knew who I was and who I was becoming being a woman and a witch, obtaining knowledge through everyday practices.
Wicca it is a great stepping stone, it is something that can get you on the right path. Eventually, you might want to break free if you do not feel comfortable with it.
I felt satisfied with just being a solitary witch, connected to the cycles of Mother Nature and everything that comes with it. I didn’t like following guidelines of religion, and I don’t like the idea of hierarchy. I also really enjoy experiencing and reading knowledge from multiple different faiths, and I don’t want to ever just limit my thoughts or beliefs to one book or one belief system.
I’m proud to say I’m just a human like the rest of you.
DIY Health, Protection, Luck, Love, Sex, Money and Success Magick
Now, you’ll get more money, love, success, better health, sex and luck than you ever thought possible with your magic power! What is the secret magickal method to get them?
Learn the simplest and most important magick secrets you will want to use right now. Yeah! And do it fast without waiting for years for the opportunity to come…I’m talking about the power to create or destroy whatever you want to…As you see fit!
What I practice is just being a genuine person, honoring the cycles of everything in nature, the beauty of the life and the death, how we can harness the energy from that and transmute it through our strength.
When we’re practicing with all of our heart and all of our beliefs, we can become closer to the divine. We realize that we can harness this energy through the power of magic and the power of faith. We learn how powerful the mind and the heart are.
So, if you’re starting out on your path now, I want you never to doubt yourself and never stopped having belief in yourself.
How to Find Those Books That Will Bring Magic to Your Life?
I don’t often give book recommendations because, in my opinion, you go find books that you are intuitively drawn to. That is how you should found your path. Followed your heart and felt the books when the timing is right for you.
So the books I read was connected with my path and was presented along with my journey from the Cosmos. When you are walking through a bookstore, looking for the right book, something will draw you along to the right book.
Trust your divine guidance and intuition. Always keep yourself open to the possibilities of the Universe and the books that you need will find you at that time in your life.
What Is the Difference Between White, Black, and Gray Magic?
Your intention—not just what you say or do—matters. Some magicians subscribe to the following definitions:
- White magic is performed for the purpose of connecting with spiritual forces in the Universe, in order to gain wisdom, insight, or enlightenment.
- Black magic is done to harm or manipulate someone else.
- Everything else falls into the gray area. (Source)
When you’re starting your path to witchery, stay away from anything that brings fear to you. The energies that we bring in from nature are all neutral. There is no white magic or black magic until we make it that.
So, if you’re working from a place of fear and you believe that God is going to punish you for casting a spell, then don’t do it. Better start with some a little less intimidating to your belief system tasks, like meditation or just taking nature walks and listening to the elements.
You have to unlearn everything that you already have learned as a child. You have to make peace with it, and you have to understand that there is nothing evil about witchcraft or becoming a witch.
It is all something beautiful, and it’s from nature. So if you have a firm belief in the system of God, then you will know that everything in life was created by God or the Cosmos or Source or whatever you want to call it.
Whatever you believe it’s all created it’s all there for us to use, so, how can it be evil in any way, shape or form? Once you make peace with that knowledge, you will be able to grow exponentially. It will be such a beautiful path for you!
What Is the Meaning of Magic Circle for You?
Stay away from any blogs or books that bring this negative connotation to witchcraft. Sometimes you might read something that just takes you back. I remember when I first started, I read about casting circles.
People often ask about how to cast a circle. I feel that if you create your sacred space to be a space of pure love and energy and every day you bless your house, making it a positive space, you don’t necessarily need always to cast a circle.
In my opinion, casting the circle is perfect to help you get into that mindset especially if you’re going to cast spells. It’s a beautiful thing to create a bubble of protection around yourself so that you can keep your own or drive all the energy that’s surrounding your body through your hands and into the intent of whatever you’re working with.
When I first read about casting circles, and I was diving into Wicca and witchcraft I had read somewhere in a blog that when you cast a circle, you’re going to feel the presence of these entities around you. It was kind of a scary, because then in my mind I was envisioning shadow people sitting in the corners of the room checking out what I was doing. So I stopped doing the circle casting for quite some time and I just focused on going outside.
At that time, I started feeling safer to go outside than to be locked away in a room casting spells. I would go out and just read books, chill with some tea and some candles and create this magical space from the outside.
Then I realized that it was all in my head and it was all me creating this negative connotation of casting circles. I realized that I felt better being outside with crystals and working with different resins, blessing tools and consecrate things.
That was something I became drawn to do, and I was casting continuously magic outside. I started making a little-sacred space in my tiny little yard at the apartment. My fear actually pointed me in the right direction.
That is why again I always say: follow your intuition and lead with your heart because eventually, you’ll learn. You’ll learn from your mistakes, you also will learn from the negative or the bad stuff. Do not forget that everything is a lesson.
To Be a Solitary Witch or to Join a Coven?
If you’re seeking a path of witchcraft and you want to join a coven, be mindful of who you are participating with. You are sharing a lot of in-depth deep energy with the people that you’re going to be collaborating. It’s a good idea to get to know them first before you start working any magic with them.
Who are they as a person, do they consume a lot of alcohol or drugs, do they have low energy on a daily basis or are they a high vibrant person? What kind of energy are you trying to attract into your magical work and your life in general? Because whatever you put out you’re going to get that.
So, if you do want to work black magic, then you’re going to receive that energy back to you. If you’re going to work a neutral path and do kind of grey magic, then you’re going to receive that energy back. The same goes for white magic.
The magic is neutral, and the people that you’re going to bring into your life are neutral until you get to know them. If you’re looking to join a coven, just do a little bit of research. Do some hanging out and get to know them well. Make sure that your friends before you start doing things with them.
Because you don’t know what kind of energy they’re bringing and you want to be mindful of that at all times. You don’t know what they might be doing outside of your magical spells, and you want to be insightful on this.
I stress this a lot because it is essential. It’s like when you’re in a relationship with someone, and you want the people you’re in a relationship with to be terrific in heart and good in mind with pure energy and to match your energy levels. You need the same if you’re going to be practicing magic with someone.
Read How to Become a Good Witch with Real Powers? (Part 2) here>>>
Wrapping It Up
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