Is Today Your Birthday?
The Sun links with your ruling planet Mars on your birthday this year, which means your energy levels will be high and your ambitions even higher. What you need to remember though is that life is not a war. Make friends and allies, not enemies.
It may seem as if fate is conspiring to frustrate your desires but it isn’t true. More likely you are sabotaging yourself by sending out negative thought waves that attract negative results. You’ve got to be positive if you want to be lucky.
It will pay you to find out what other people think about your plans this weekend – their input could be invaluable. If you push ahead regardless you may find there is something you have overlooked – and you will look pretty silly as well!
A setback of some kind will make you realize that you have been taking too much for granted, especially on the work front where you seem to believe that your natural brilliance will attract big rewards with not much effort. Time to get real.
There will be a tendency to jump to conclusions this weekend. If you make decisions that are not at least partially backed up by the facts you could end up losing friends and maybe losing money too. Think before you speak and act.
You will be in the spotlight over the next 48 hours and while it may not be a pleasant experience it will at least push you to give more of yourself, emotionally and intellectually. Don’t hide in the shadows. Let your natural light shine.
Someone you thought you could trust has been using your friendship for their own ends, but don’t make too big a deal of it. If anything you should feel flattered that they rate you so highly they want to make use of your name.
Is it okay to bend the truth a little if you believe it will do some good? Maybe it is and maybe it isn’t but you do need to be aware that there will be consequences further down the line. What goes around always comes around eventually.
If you feel that you are being taken advantage of by a colleague or social contact then you must speak up about it. You may in fact have no choice but to go over their head and appeal to those in positions of power. Don’t wait – act now.
If you need a helping hand or a shoulder to cry on this weekend then ask for it. Cosmic activity in your opposite sign means you feel as if you are at the mercy of events, but you still have friends and some of them can assist you.
Today’s Sun-Mars link warns both that you need to work with other people and that some of those people will annoy you. You’re smart enough to know that sometimes you have to bite your tongue and say nothing. This is one of those times.
This is a great time for creative activities but you need to tread carefully when dealing with people who have the power to upset your plans. Be dynamic this weekend but try to keep it low-key so you don’t draw too much attention to yourself.
There is no limit to what you can accomplish now IF you make an effort to turn on the charm. You may be tempted to strong arm your way to success but that will create more problems than it solves. Try persuading others to work with you.