Get Rid of Poverty


This spell will allow you to get rid of poverty which has a grip on your life.

You may need the following items for this spell:

1 black chime candle
Crushed red peppers
Sage oil or any oil that repels negativity
Sharp tool
Calamus root
Image of yourself
Agrimony (herb)

Casting Instructions for ‘Eliminate Poverty’

During the waning moon, cast a strong circle or square of white light. Imagine this light coming from the Earth and entering your space, attaching itself to the walls. If you wish you could call upon any deity or angel you need or simply do the spell as is.

Cleanse all your tools that ever way you want. Take the black candle with your hand of power and say This black candle will do as I say, you’ll work for me in getting rid of poverty from my life. You will work together with the other herbs and components that is working with me during this spell

Grab the sharp tool and split Banish Poverty From Me on it,when you’re doing that picture poverty fleeing away from you. Imagine you having the ability to pay all bills on time and not worrying about earnings. Imagine the word Poverty running away from you and your Dwelling

Take the image of yourself and put it in the center of your alter. Around your picture you’ll scatter counter clock wise the Agrimony ( this will dispel negativity that’s near you). Now dress your candle with oil, then dress it with the crushed red peppers, bits of calamus root. When applying the herbs, roll the candle AWAY from you since You’re getting rid of something

Sprinkle the salt around your alter in a circle formation to protect this charm. You want this spell to work whole force without any negativity energies hindering its strength. Light your candle and say three times:

I stand here today to Eliminate poverty That’s in my life I stand here today to Banish poverty from me anyway Together with of the power in me, All the energy in this candle, All of the energy in these herbs, May it all work within the speed of light Get poverty far, far away from me Through no damage of course Banished is poverty which is now gone from me As I will it, so mote it be

Un-cast your circle/Square your spell is currently done. Trust and believe that your strong desire will come true. Say thanks to a deity or angel in the event you called for one.

About the author: White Witch Verified icon 2
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