My Beloved


This is good for lovers to do. I would suggest doing so once a year like renewing your vows.

You will need the following items for this spell:

7 Sugar Cubes.
1 Teaspoon of Honey.
1 Fresh Pink or Red Rose.
1 Shallow White Bowl.
1 Match.
1 Red String or piece of yarn.
1 Teaspoon Lavender Oil.
1 Teaspoon Lilac Oil.
1 Red Paper Clip.
1 Tablespoons of Rose Water.
1 Pink Candle. (Half Pillar)
Both Lovers Present.

Casting Instructions for ‘My Beloved'

Make sure you have all of your materials assembled with your beloved. Now sit down facing each other with the materials between the two of you. Pick up the candle and the paper clip and carve his nickname into it. Then pass it to him and have him do the same.The reason for the nicknames is the personal names you have for each other. That special name you call one and other which symbolises what you see in each other.

You as the woman should tie the red string or piece of yard around the candle in a bow. This red string represents the invisible string destined lovers are said to have that tether you two together. Place the candle in the white bowl. Note that the bowl should be white as it represents your pure love for one another that cannot be tainted.

The man should light the candle using the single match. Please note that this can be used for same sex couples or reversed for oppisite sex couples. The more masculine identifying protective one should do the man part. The motherly femenine nurturing one shoud do the womans part.

The woman should pour the rose water, then the lavender, then the lilac with the candle in the bowl. Next the woman should put in the honey and the man the sugar cubes. Seven is considered a lucky number so I chose seven.

The man should take the rose and rip out the petals holding them in his hand for the woman to use first. She should take one petal, set it on fire and let it fall into the bowl to be put out by the water. As she does this she should tell the man one of the reasons why she loves him. Now it is his turn to reciprocate. He should now take a petal burning it himself and state one of the many reasons which he loves her. Repeat this process back and forth until all the petals have been burnt. Afterwards blow out the candle in unison while holding hands.

Be sure to do this on a waxing moon on a Friday at 7pm closest to your anniversary. Friday is Freyja, Venus. and Aphrodites day so it will work well. The time is again because of the lucky association of the number seven. At night because that is when the moon will be out. I would suggest doing this outside if possible so that the moon may bless the ritual such as how you would charge moon water. The waxing moon is because it is the time of the maiden when she looks to find a lover in her maidenly days.

Some sources used:

Lilac Flower Meaning

Spiritual and Magical Properties of Essential Oils

About the author: White Witch Verified icon 2
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