This charm is only created with the intention to heal and not to hurt. If you're another individual have a significant injury or is really ill, contact the doctor rather than searching for spells to solve that situation.
Only your belief that the spell will work
Casting Instructions for ‘Heal Minor Injuries'
Imagine positive white energy flowing through your body. Channel the energy flow towards your wound and imagine your wound gradually healing overtime until it has completely healed. While in doing so, chant: (For Yourself):
With this energy that flows throughout my body I wish for my energy to heal the wound that has been imposed on me I wish to call upon kindhearted and friendly souls around to help in this recovery Please hear my wish o' friendly and kind souls Make this desire of mine come true to cure So mote it be.
(For A Friend):
With this energy that flows throughout my body I wish for my energy to be channeled towards this injured individual in front of me I want to call upon kindhearted and friendly souls around to assist in this recovery Please hear my desire o' kind and friendly souls Make this desire of mine come true to cure So mote it be.
Please understand that the only way for this spell to work is that you completely believe it will work with the intention of healing while casting it. It may also depend on how far spell-casting experience you have before attempting to cast this spell. Note that it's only able to heal small wounds and may not work for everyone based on their beliefs. This spell was created with the intention to heal and if it doesn't work for you, you can definitely change a few words in accordance to your own beliefs. Do note that you might feel a drain on your energy once you have casted this spell and that you might also feel a slight tingling which is a side effect. Otherwise, there is nothing else to be worried about because I created this spell with the intention to heal and not to harm. Thank you and have a great day/night! ^-^
P.S. Being the only one to cast this spell when it was first created, I say that it has worked and if it did not for you, I'm very sorry. This spell was only created according to my beliefs and because my beliefs may not match up to yours, there is a fifty percent chance it may not work. Also, I've already mentioned that spell only works on small wounds so if you are really ill or have some other key injury, please contact the doctor instead.