A Familiar can be a great animal buddy, but to guarantee pure harmony between yourself and your familiar, binding may be necessary.
a full moon
1 black candle
1 white candle
1 red candle
1 black chalk
1 red chalk
Salt for a circle
1 incense of vanilla
1 incense of sage
1 incense of cinnamon
Piece of familiar (fur, feather, droppings)
Casting Instructions for ‘Binding a Familiar’
You need to have your Familiar present during this ritual and spell, as the work you put into this spell will bind you and your familiar closer if they witness it.
Using the Black chalk, draw a large square, this will be the binding square to the darker parts of the ritual. Then, with the red chalk, draw a diamond-type shape within the square, make one point of the diamond jut out of the square, sufficient to draw inside. Then, using the black chalk, draw a swooping line in the tip of the diamond sticking out, to the two points of the square, closest to the stage. Finally, using the red chalk, draw on the moon cycle with the entire moon being within the diamond point, the other cycle phases being between the diamond point and the swooping black arch. (If you know any Binding runes, you may draw them in red chalk along the diamond lines within the square.)
Now that the ritual space is drawn out, you should set the animal’s essence inside the middle of the diamond. Then you need to take the salt and, within the diamond, create a circle, so that it’s touch the diamond purchase the borders, then a triangle inside the circle, with only the points touching the circle.
Once all of this is finished, put the candles round the square, at places where the diamond points touch it. The white candle should be on the right-most side, the black of the left-most side and the red at the bottom, with the jutting diamond point on top. Lighting the incense begins the true spell, so steps from here on out are crucial, and if you’re unsure you want to be eternally bound to this comfortable, than you should stop now. Light the Vanilla incense on the black candle, and put it in the space between the circle and the diamond, near the white candle. Light the cinnamon incense on the red candle, placing it in the distance between the circle and the diamond, closest to the red candle. Light the Sage incense with the white candle, and place it in the distance between the diamond and the ring, closest to the black candle.
With all the incense burning, you want to fill yourself with the emotions your sense when with your familiar, usually trusting, loving emotions. When you’re filled with stated feelings, and sure of the energy, this chant will seal the spell and bind you to a familiar.
“Once alone, Born apart,
We are a single heart.
Bound by magic, light, and Sage,
Live together through our Age.
Bound by salt, flesh, and Fire,
May we share the identical Desire.
Brought together by the gods,
Let us never be at odds.
Sealed together, you and I.
While one lives, another shan’t die.
So Mote it be!”