A herbal potion used to treat acne, acne scars and facial skin problems.
Mortar and Pestle
1/2 teaspoon
Bottle or Container with a lid or seal
Stove top
Small cooking pan
1 cup
Cheese cloth
1 pt (Teaspoon) Calendula Petals
1/2 pt (1/2 tsp) Chickweed
1Â 1/2 pt Rosemary
About a cup of water
About a 1/2 cup of lotion of choice
Casting Directions for ‘Acne Aid'
This is a herbal infusion(herbs boiled on low heat in water) mixed into cream, it's used to treat acne. It needs to be kept in a glass or plastic container with a tight lid to keep it fresh. This extract can be added to cream, facewashes or left on its own (If you have oily skin, or favor it independently)
To use: Apply a thin layer to face and neck and rub in well. Avoid contact with eyes, nose and mouth. You do not need much. For best results; use daily after washing face with a general facial cleanser. It's advised that you find a doctor for skin issues. It is also advised to be careful of any herbs that you use as some herbs can cause allergies, always do your research and speak with a doctor. About The Herbs
Calendula – Washes and creams of the herb are used to disinfect minor wounds (such as acne scars) and treat infections of the skin. Additionally, it reduces scarring and is a anti bacterial.
Chickweed – Said to heal itches and Acne, Also heals skin
Rosemary – This herbs magickal properties include childhood and promotes the healing of wounds. Additionally it is a cure for acne and added to cream to enhance the complexion.
Instructions Begin by mixing the herbs in your mortar and pestle marginally, (you dont need to grind them much because you will be straining it out of the water when youre done.) And pour bout a cup of water into a kettle with a lid. Put the herbs in the pot and let it boil with the lid on low heat for 5-10 minutes, until the water has turned into a bright yellow color from the Calendula petals. Strain the infusion with a bit of cheese cloth (Be cautious and allow the extract cool some before to avoid getting burned with hot water) and mix the herb water into the lotion. How much cream and just how much of the infusion to use is your choice. You may use a lot or a little but youll wanna take care not to use too much or the cream will become too watery. I used about a half a cup of cream and maybe a forth a cup of the herbal potion. Mix it together well. Store in a glass bottle or a container with a lid. Apply to confront 1-2 times a day and rub in well.