Learning Witchcraft

Banish Debt

Banish Debt

This charm will banish your debt. It’s from this book. I ask that you purchase the ebook from Amazon, this isn’t propaganda. Spells for Money and Money by Angela Kaelin   Angela Kaelin Copyright © 2011, 2012   Winter Tempest Books
Kaelin, Angela (2011-04-03). Spells for Money and Wealth . Winter Tempest Books. Kindle Edition.

You will need the following items for this spell:

Paper and pencil 3 White or black candles White Sage package or Sage oil Green, gold or silver candle silver coin (rather a Mercury Head dime) Fireplace Large coffee tin or other safe place to burn a piece of paper Money Drawing Oil Green mojo bag

Casting Instructions for ‘Banish Debt’

Make a list of all of your debts together with the name of the person or company to whom they are owed. Pass the paper and one of those white or black candles throughout the smoke of the White Sage bundle. Alternatively, anoint the edges of the paper and the candle with Sage oil using a movement away from you.
Dim the lights in the room. Then, light the black or white candle and meditate on the fire as you imagine your life without debt. When you feel you’ve given sufficient energy to such thoughts, take the newspaper with the debts written on it and burn it while calling upon Hecate, Hades, Pluto, the Norse Goddess of the Underworld Hel or some other Underworld spirit. As you burn the paper, call upon the spirit by title, as follows:

N., I call upon your powers to destroy these debts, release their energy out of my life and purify them from the earth. Let none be offended as you bring this problem to a resolution. Bring me wisdom, inspiration and peace. By the power of three times three! So mote it be!
Allow the candle to burn down completely. Repeat this procedure over the course of three nights. After the third night, bury the ashes and the refuse of the three candles off your premises or throw it into running water. On the following Friday or Sunday, preferably on the night of a waxing moon, anoint the green, silver or gold candle with Money Drawing Oil using a movement toward you.
Light this candle. Afterward, hold the coin over the flame at a safe distance, but where you can see its light from the candle reflecting off of it. Then, put the coin on your altar with the head up. Address the spirit you are working with, again, stating: N., ruler over silver and gold, allow this coin become a conduit for your wealth and abundance. Fill my life with all I want and more.
Meditate in your needs being fulfilled and having the ability to live the life youve always dreamed of in wealth and comfort until the candle burns out. Bury the remains of the candle into your yard. Place the coin in a mojo bag and carry it with you. Once a month, on a full moon, anoint it with an oil formula for good luck, wealth or money.

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