Money, Money, Come to Me…


This spell will bring you cash quickly.
Do this after midnight Thursday.
(I have remixed this spell for myself and it has brought me more than I asked for the very next morning).

You will need the following items for this spell:

– 1 incense (Call Money LLAMA DINERO by HEM) – A Green Candle – Eucalyptus Oil – Ground Cinnamon – Matches or lighter – Blue ink pen – Fire safe bowl – Silver coin / Dime – Dollar bill (the crispest you have)

Casting Instructions for ‘Money, Money, Come to Me…’

1. Take a hot shower (scrubbing your body with sea salt helps).
2. Open your window and cleanse your bedroom or personal space including your alter with rosemary thoroughly requesting all negative energy and things to leave.
3. Prepare your ingredients and be sure to blow some sage over each item cleansing it to eliminate any negative energies.
– 1 incense (Call Money LLAMA
– A Green Candle
– Eucalyptus Oil
– Ground Cinnamon
– Matches or lighter
– Blue ink pen
– Fire safe bowl
– Silver coin / Dime
– Dollar bill (the crispest one
you have)
Now that you have completed this let’s get started with this simple spell.

– At the bottom of your candle make 3 straight line marks heading downward | | |
– Dress your green candle with Eucalyptus Oil (rub the oil all around the candle including the wick and bottom of the candle).

– Rub ground cinnamon all over your candle.
– Before lighting your candle look at your candle and place your intentions.
– Light your incense.
– Light your candle.
Hold the green candle in you left hand and the incense in your right hand. Watch the smoke from both combination together as you chant.
Call upon the four elements by saying:

I call upon the four elements Air, Fire, Water, Earth to help me with this spell.
Money I need,
Come to Me,
So mote it be (say this 3x).
Take deep breaths (breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth) and then state:
Money, money, come to me,
In prosperity three times three,
May I be enhanced at the best of ways,
Harming none on it’s way,
This I accept so mote it be,
Bring Me MONEY three times three.
Say the last chant as many times as it takes until you believe you have put all of your energy into it. Make sure while doing this you are staring deep into the candle flame and holding the incense stick allowing the smoke to combine together.
Now for the last important step:

1. Take your $1 dollar bill and write on it all of those things you will do with the money that you can receive such as, PAY MY BILLS, MONEY FILLS MY BANK, MONEY FILLS MY WALLETS, MONEY FILLS MY PURSE, MONEY FILLS MY CREDIT CARDS, MONEY FILLS MY PAYPAL, GIFT MONEY FULL IN AMAZON, etc. (only positive words as if it is there).

~ This might look like a long spell, but it is really not. It’s not hard – I am just very comprehensive. If you do this right it will work faster than you think.

About the author: White Witch Verified icon 2
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2 thoughts on “Money, Money, Come to Me…”

  1. I have used this chant on quite a few occasions and it has brought me money within a few weeks or without a month.
    It does work if you say it with sincerity


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