Banish Negative Energy With This Spell

Banish Negative Energy With This Spell

 This incantation will cleanse a place spiritually, all unwanted energies will be banished. It is a great way to purify a place of ritual prior to creating a circle, it also removes and energy that remains from unpleasant visitors after a ritual is completed. This can even be used as a swift defense to send … Read more

A Ritual To Use To Cleanse A Space

A Ritual To Use To Cleanse A Space

 If you have been in search of a way to cleanse a certain area in your home you should consider a Space Cleansing Ritual. To conduct such a ritual you will need to gather a few items that will include: •A white candle •A silver candle •A broom •A chalice that contains charged water •A … Read more

A Simple Altar Dedication Ritual

A Simple Altar Dedication Ritual

 If you have just barely set up an altar, this is a nice, simple and beautiful dedication ritual that you can use to cleanse the altar space and work on dedicating it to all of your magical workings. You Need: Incense Two Altar Candles White Candle Ritual Tools (optional) Before you start, simply clean the … Read more

The Best Way to Remove a Curse From an Object

The Best Way to Remove a Curse From an Object

 If an object has a curse on it, there are several ways to neutralize it. A weak curse can be removed using a simple purification technique. You immerse the object in salt-water or a pile of sale, spray it with holy water or expose it to incense smoke. This will purify the object and remove … Read more