The Salem Witch Trials Facts

The Salem Witch Trials Facts

 Blaise Pascal once said that men never do evil so cheerfully and completely as when they do it from religious conviction. This statement rings true particularly with the witch trials in Salem. The 1692 Salem Witch Trials represent a dark period in American history. By the time all the idiocy had ended, over 200 people … Read more

Magic Rite Incantations, Do They Work?

Magic Rite Incantations, Do They Work?

 The use of a shape that is sacred is also utilized by ritualistic magicians. These names as well as a host of other phrases and spells help achieve an ultimate will power that causes a magician to focus on the task at hand, be it to bring boils to a specific body part of a … Read more

Unfolding The Secret Of Black Magic

Unfolding The Secret Of Black Magic

 Magic is defined as an expected natural prowess of making the impossible seem possible. It can provide an individual the power to manage somebody else. In ancient times, a person who possessed the skills to perform magic tricks also used it for recovery functions. It was also utilized to keep away bad spirits, to look … Read more